Robin’s Review of If That Was Lunch, We’ve Had It

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If That Was Lunch, We’ve Had It

By D J Colbert

Rating: 5 out of 5.
If That Was Lunch, We've Had It
By D J Colbert

Greta Thunberg meets Spike Milligan. In a changing world, two friends want to write a book and earn squillions. How difficult can it be?
Greta Thunberg meets Spike Milligan. In a changing world, two friends want to write a book and earn squillions. How difficult can it be?

Rodney and Will are averse to hard work. Empty wallets, however, force them into temporary jobs and schemes of doubtful viability. Instead of the nine-to-five, they prefer lying on the beach, where, blissfully unaware of the hole in the ozone layer, they hatch their plan to achieve wealth and literary immortality without effort. Life, however, cruelly throws obstacles in their way. Anyone for romance, how about sports, why shouldn't they run away to sea, or the mountains, or Australia? Go to university? Give it a shot, but don't let threats of global warming, pangs of conscience, or lack of talent slow them down. 

From the 1960s to the 2020s, from New Zealand to Philadelphia, Tahiti to Vancouver Island, Jeddah to Australia, Hawaii to Liverpool, and Fiji to London, the friends grow up and grow old, but never give up.

 "I've been thinking, bro, maybe we should join a writers' group." Rodney, surprisingly, sounded serious.
"What for? I've been to a writers' group. It was called school."
"We need a catalyst."
"I'd rather chew barbed wire."
"I've heard a lot of women go to writers' groups." Kim bit into a celery stick wrapped in a lettuce leaf.
"Sign me up." I wasn't stupid.
Robin's Review: Are you looking for a hilarious book to read? "If That Was Lunch, We've Had It" by D J Colbert is perfect for you! I really enjoyed this book and found the writer to be exceptionally creative and funny. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a lighthearted and fun read.
It was my pleasure to receive a free copy of this book, but that does not in any way affect my opinions in this review of this entertaining story.

Walk With Me Into the Dark

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