Robin’s Review of Monochrome Noir: A Gathering Storm

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Monochrome Noir: A Gathering Storm

 by Jack Wells

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Monochrome Noir: A Gathering Storm
by Jack Wells

A down-on-his-luck private investigator who loves whiskey as much as he loves solving cases. An outcast medical technician with a heavy heart and an unnatural ability.  
A brutal killer with a mysterious agenda.Welcome to Monochrome Noir, a detective story set in an alternate version of 1986 Los Angeles. It is a grayscale world, where items of color are the rarest of commodities, owned by few and coveted by many.
Robin's Review: Monochrome Noir: A Gathering Storm is an exciting and entertaining story built around a monochrome world. The world-building is richly descriptive without color but is fantastically written. The characters were complex and written with such creative care that I couldn’t help but relate to them. This is a must-read for just about any genre reader.

Next in Series

Monochrome Noir: A Rising Tide
Book 2 of 2: Monochrome Noir

Walk With Me Into the Dark

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