Robin’s Review of Katy’s Loss: A Dystopian TV Satire

Katy's Loss: A Dystopian TV Satire (What's your problem? Book 1) Book 1 of 3: What's your problem? by Maxwell Winshire

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Katy’s Loss: A Dystopian TV Satire

 by Maxwell Winshire

Rating: 3 out of 5.
Katy's Loss: A Dystopian TV Satire 
Book 1 of 3: What's your problem?
by Maxwell Winshire

Welcome to the dystopian future of TV in 2084: 'What's your problem?' Counselor versus Patient, competing to win, against each other.
Katy is a former beauty queen, who has struggled with weight issues all her life and this new TV show, “What’s your Problem?” promises a solution to anyone’s problems. If she wins, she gets her dream aquarium bathtub. If she loses, the forfeit is designed for maximum personal humiliation.Enter Captain Stanislav Boglosovic from stage-left, a thin elderly former ‘translator’ wanted for war crimes, struggling in retirement in Brazil. If he wins, he gets his pension; If he loses, he calculates prison, but he’s never lost; whatever it takes to win, there are no limits.But who will win? And is the prize worth the effort for one, and the forfeit for the other?Let the tournament commence, and all our hopes and fears begin.
WARNING: This is strictly for Adults Only containing profanity, heterosexual and non-binary graphic themes, and scenes.
Robin's Review: This is an entirely different take on this I don’t even know what to call this genre. Dystopian? Maybe Heinz 57. A little of this a little of that. This story is in the future and is based around a TV show called “What’s Your Problem?.” This story was incredibly disturbing, but I understand it is a satire with obvious graphic se xu@l content and does come with a warning. On that note I was quite confused throughout the book but finally finished it. He has two more books in this series that I believe are along the same lines.

Next in the series:

Tony's Cross: A Dystopian TV Satire (What's your problem? Book 2)

Matt's Shadow: A Dystopian TV Satire (What's your problem? Book 3)

Walk With Me Into the Dark

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